It feels nice to receive sincere appreciation! While I get immense joy in treating my patients and seeing them happy, words of appreciation do boost my desire to perform better, and also encourages my next patient to take the bold step of undergoing a procedure. These notes are not an advertisement, but an appreciation of my work. If it can motivate my next patient, its worth having them displayed here!

1) Google reviews:                                                                                                            To go through my google reviews, click here. Just a word of caution though. I work with the most complex cases, and I have to admit, I do have my share of failures. Sometimes, the patients forget that we are surgeons not magicians. They simply takeout their frustration by gifting me a bad review.

2) Realself reviews:                                                                                                          To go through my Realself reviews, click here. Realself is the largest online portal where patients seek board certified doctors, and ask queries pertaining to appearance, health and cosmetic surgery.

3) Hand-written Reviews:                                                                                                   This is the more classic way to receive a compliment! Simple, hand written notes sent to me via snail-mail, or along with a thoughtful gift! These are my true treasures!

Dr Milind Naik, MD